This place should be struck off if it could be.... Unfortunately I was desperate as my other accommodation was not available. They charged me $220 for a cess pit. I approached them about the broken falling down curtains, dirty bathroom (hair all over the bathroom floor and vomit on the wall) and general lack of cleanliness. They did fix the broken curtain rail, however the cleaning was not rectified. See attached photos. The manager was not the person who checked me in and I saw her the following day and she said I should have told her about the problems. I thought she was the neighbour as she lived in the next unit, the office was closed upon my return after my initial complaint. The area I had to walk through to get there was like a council rubbish tip, stench coming from the bins, broken machinery, empty paint tins and trays and cigarette butts and smoke all over the place. The sad thing is, there is a housing shortage in New Zealand for people who need emergency accommodation. I found out later that this motel is used for social housing for emergency accommodation. Since COVID a lot of NZ motels have turned to this lucrative alternative were they are paid a premium by the government to house people in need. They are doing so well they obviously have no care at all about the odd person who may need accommodation and is actually paying for it themselves. After many discussions and phone calls I was offered no discount. They even said they could offer me a discount but their credit card machine didn't offer that facility once payment had gone through! Considering I had a filthy dirty place they didn't feel I was owed a discount. The kids were all running around and having lots of fun but in a dangerous, dirty environment. It's noisy, filthy, unkept and completely NOT A MOTEL. I really advise not to stay here, there should be a law against it.